Norman Edward Briggs

20/11/1924 - 31/07/2010
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What3Words is an app used to help find specific locations. W3W divided the world into 3 metre squares and gave each square a unique combination of three words. It’s the easiest way to find and share exact locations.

Each plot at our cemetery has been mapped to its W3W location, and so if you wish to find the location using this tool simple download the app and then use the location code to find it.

To login to this page and edit the plot information you must have already had an account created for you by our team. If you’d like to request that an account is created for you to manage this plot then please complete the registration form and we will be in touch. Otherwise use the login form and you’ll be redirected to the editing screen and you can update the plot details and moderate any comments that have been submitted.

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